Akheta's Blues

This work is part of multichannel cycle called the Nano-Cosmos: a tribute to microorganisms and little arthropods. Akheta’s Blues explores the particles world. The title refers to the minimalist and repetitive song of Acheta domesticus, better known as the House Cricket, upon which the work’s structure is based.


Ana Dall’Ara-Majek is a composer and sound artist living in Montreal. She is interested to the study of how instrumental, electroacoustic and computational-thinking approaches interact in music. She’s been active for composing electroacoustic/mixte pieces and performing live electronic music. She performs regularly with her groups Jane/KIN, ILEA and blablaTrains as an electronic musician and Theremin player.
Recently she collaborated on AuXauralities, a intersectoral project for the development of sound installations with meta-materials. Her work is published at Kohlenstoff Records and Empreintes DIGITALes.




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